The Creative Exploits of Michael Ridley

St George's

St George's Church

Lovin’ Leeds

During my time in Leeds I worked as the Graphics and Media Administrator for St George’s Church. Here are some project highlights.

Revamped St George's Website

One of my first tasks in the role was to develop a new website for the church that could be visible on multiple devices. Its key focus was to be a welcoming space for new people and was constantly being refined and developed as the church grew.


Our Vision
Every year St George's launches a vision campaign to consolidate what it's doing as an organisation and look ahead at what's next. My task was to bring clarity to this vision through video and print. 


As well as the larger one-off communication projects, St George’s also hosted a number of events throughout the year such as Student Teas, welcome evenings and theological courses.

Welcome Evening Invitations

Another aspect of my role was to further the St George’s brand. One key example was a relaunch of the children’s ministry.

Another annual project is a little time of year called 'Christmas'. The church can run up to 7 special services in the season, with a particular focus on the big three - Nativity, Carols by Candlelight and Contemporary Carols. Each year there is a theme that guides the design and in 2015 it was the unexpected manner in which the Christmas story takes place. This resulted in poster drums popping up around the city and an upside down Christmas tree sculpture made from decorations constructed by the congregation. 

Peace Plan
The plan was to brand Easter and spread one word - 'Peace'! To execute this plan, old style newspaper clippings were posted each day in Holy Week to help people reflect on the good news of the Easter story. The plan proved successful, with lots of interaction on the St George's social media accounts. 
