Cover Illustrations for The Gateway Seven Series.

LICC | Book Cover — Editorial

The Gateway
Seven Series

The Gateway Seven Series is a collection of books for small groups covering the different genres of the Bible. I collaborated with LICC’s Head of Creative and Brand to develop over 40 custom illustrations that appear throughout the series.

Each illustration features angular geometric shapes created with a uniform line weight to provide a consistent, cohesive look across the diverse range of Bible genres and feel inline with LICC’s corporate branding.

Each genre study has its own unique symbol that relates to a key theme or metaphor. These complex symbols are broken down into smaller illustrations, which are used throughout the individual study sessions.

Cover designs and inside layouts by Mark Steel,

Illustration and monochrome photography are fused together to introduce each session.

Freedom to Serve God

Cover and internal illustrations

Cover illustration for ‘Ezekiel: Living in the Light of God's Presence’ part of ‘The Gateway Seven Series’.

Living in the Light of God’s Presence

Cover and internal illustrations

Cover illustration for ‘Mark: Living the Way of Jesus in the World’ part of ‘The Gateway Seven Series’.

Living the Way of Jesus in the World

Cover and internal illustrations

Cover illustration for ‘1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World’ part of ‘The Gateway Seven Series’.

1 Peter:
Confidence in a Complex World

Cover and internal illustrations

Wisdom for the Whole of Life

Cover and internal illustrations

Drawing on a Deeper Love

Cover and internal illustrations

Faithfulness in Testing Times

Cover and internal illustrations

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Digital Painting — Hand-lettering


Easter Verses Digital Painting — Hand-Lettering


The Feeding of the Five Thousand Children's Picture Book