Banchory Academy | Mural

DNA: The Building Block of Life

The Big Banchory Theory was an initiative to showcase the ‘big’ ideas of science as well as the limitless possibilities of art and design within an ordinary school setting. As part of the project I illustrated a 7.5 metre mural on the importance of DNA to all life.

My interpretation centres on the interior of a cell, illustrating the diversity of life and the connectivity of organisms through this essential building block. The resulting mural is a genetic soup of species and organisms brought together by a vibrant colour palette.

Additionally, I developed an interactive section titled “Man or Mushroom,” where students can examine Jeff’s genetic code from a printed book to work out whether he is a man or a mushroom.

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The Queen’s Way ->

Book Cover 

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest ->

Book Cover — Hand-Lettering 


The Queen's Way Book Cover